There’s a new version of Postphone. Huge list of things, here’s the full changelog:
New feat Google Android Backup Service (settings and database)
Issue-001 now app keeps alarms upon reboot
Hotfix-002 now when you receive a call with unknown Caller ID,
no popup is shown
Application workflow:
You must check or dismiss notification to remove alarm
Min SDK change from 7 to 8 (drop support for Eclair)
DatabaseHelper class replaces DBAdapter
Allow to upgrade from db v0 to db v1 and allow future upgrades
Remove old code doTheVibration() and playSound()
File rename popupcallback => popupcallback.xml
Fix some typos
Lower the number of events logged
Developer side:
New utility emulate-reboot
New utility insert-fake-passed-calls with support for TZ
New utilities for backup
Change tmp path in sqlite-postphone-db utility
Publish notes
Backup notes
Debug menu:
Is disabled by default
Can now be enabled via multiple taps on version name
New menu entry "clear alarms table"
New menu entry "test PopUpAfterCall"
Design and blog:
Blog featured banner
Official logo.png
Let’s be honest: starting from zero it’s a huge process, but it’s possible.
This procedure is a bit complicated and needs some skills.
I can do (and I did) almost everything from GNU/Linux.
Prerequisites (my starting point)
a full backup done: you’ll lose your phone data
the phone must run the stock image.
Latest 2.1.1.A.0.6 SE firmware is required for bootloader unlocking procedure.
If you are running an unofficial ROM, you can check my preferred way to restore stock ROM. Firmware 2.1.1.C.0.0is reported to work, too, but I can’t confirm it
a bash script I wrote to run msm7227 from GNU/Linux. Download here
kernel image
I used U20_nAa-ics-04_2.6.29.6-nAa-ics-04.ftf
Download links on Google Code official pages. Kernel file names for our device start with “U20” string and they contain “ics” string as well
I used
Download links on Google Code official pages. Be carefull, we have a device with codename “mimmi”
Google Apps (also known as gapps)
I used
You can find download links on official pages. Pick gapps for “ics”
What you’ll get
A super clean phone (no data and crappy bloatware).
One of the most recent mobile operating system: Android Ice Cream Sandwich.
All the goodies provided by CyanogenMod: the ROM I installed is MiniCM9.
Everything working great: camera, wifi etc. (I admit I have to check tethering…).
The instructions are provided only to show how reached my goal.
Please follow them at your own risk. Stop if you are not in my same situation.
Procedure summary
We have basically 3 things to do:
unlock bootloader
install custom kernel (suitable for ICS)
install ICS ROM + Google Apps
Without an unlocked bootloader, you can’t install a custom kernel.
Without a custom kernel, you can’t install ICS.
0. Copy needed files on the phone
As pointed out by Fabian in his comment, it’s safer to copy the files you’ll use at the end of the procedure when your phone is still fully functional.
So, connect the device to your pc, use it as an external storage and copy these files on the sdcard
1. Unlock bootloader
I presume you’re starting from the very beginning, so I think you have a locked bootloader.
To fix this situation you’ll need some software:
my script:
This is the most difficult and dangerous step. The risk is that the phone get bricked. Be careful.
Probably you should read the full story here. There are reported some incompatible situations. If you have never unlocked your bootloader, probably you can go on as I did.
The software you downloaded is written for Windows types of operating systems.
I rewrote the cmd script and made a bash script.
Many kudos to xda forum user “the_laser”, I just translated his work.
You have to follow these steps:
unpack archive in a new folder $ 7z x -omsm7227 msm7227.7z
uncompress and copy my script in the same folder $ mv msm7227/
connect the phone to an USB port
enable debug USB on the phone itself
run the script $ cd msm7227/
$ ./ see my output
2012-08-06 16:55:43 msm7227_semc[10085] Begin
2012-08-06 16:55:43 msm7227_semc[10085] Waiting for device
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
2012-08-06 16:55:48 msm7227_semc[10085] Checking phone software version
2012-08-06 16:55:49 msm7227_semc[10085] Transferring exploit
2559 KB/s (585731 bytes in 0.223s)
2012-08-06 16:55:49 msm7227_semc[10085] Running exploit
property service neutered.
killing adbd. (should restart in a second or two)
2012-08-06 16:55:49 msm7227_semc[10085] Waiting for device
2012-08-06 16:55:52 msm7227_semc[10085] Checking root
2012-08-06 16:55:52 msm7227_semc[10085] Removing NAND MPU restrictions via SEMC backdoor. Permanent.
68 KB/s (3087 bytes in 0.044s)
2012-08-06 16:55:54 msm7227_semc[10085] Reboot, please wait
2012-08-06 16:56:11 msm7227_semc[10085] Waiting phone
2012-08-06 16:56:41 msm7227_semc[10085] Sleep done
2012-08-06 16:56:41 msm7227_semc[10085] Running exploit (second time)
error: protocol fault (no status)
2012-08-06 16:56:41 msm7227_semc[10085] Got error, it's normal
2012-08-06 16:56:51 msm7227_semc[10085] Checking root
2012-08-06 16:56:51 msm7227_semc[10085] Putting files for patching semcboot
172 KB/s (8064 bytes in 0.045s)
2554 KB/s (596916 bytes in 0.228s)
2012-08-06 16:56:51 msm7227_semc[10085] Writing patched semcboot. Two step process
2012-08-06 16:56:51 msm7227_semc[10085] First, we need get access to semcboot area
2012-08-06 16:56:53 msm7227_semc[10085] Second, we need to write semcboot
successfully wrote 0003ff00
2012-08-06 16:56:54 msm7227_semc[10085] Done, reboot, please wait
2012-08-06 16:57:11 msm7227_semc[10085] Done
2. Install custom kernel
You have successfully unlocked your bootloader and now you can now install a custom kernel.
You’ll need flashtool utility and the ftf image file containing the kernel to flash and the recovery software.
kernel image file
Follow these steps:
uncompress and untar flashtool $ 7z x -oflashtool flashtool-
$ tar -C flashtool -xf flashtool/FlashTool-
$ rm flashtool/FlashTool-
launch FlashTool, it’s a java tool with a simple GUI
drag on the main window the ftf file
follow the instructions
at the end the program will tell you that the phone will reboot. It’s not true, so disconnect the USB cable
wait 5 seconds
boot the phone and repeatly push the back button to enter recovery menu.
ClockworkMod must be installed and should come up.
You must see nAa kernel logo.
if CWM menu doesn’t appear you must retry with a reboot (at the moment the phone is unusable)
If you find yourself in troubles, keep in mind that everything can be repaired with a full system restore through SEUS.
nAa kernel logo
FlashTool main interface
FlashTool kernel interface
3. Install MiniCM9 and the Google Apps
We are almost at the end.
At this time you have an useless phone which cannot even properly boot.
It’s time to flash MiniCM9.
If you followed all steps, you are now in ClockworkMod Recovery menu.
ClockworkMod on Xperia X10 Mini Pro (nAa kernel)
On the step number 0, you should have copied the files on the phone’s SD card. It’s time to use them.
If you skipped that part, you can still do the job via Recovery:
connect the phone to the pc
choose “Mounts and Storage”
choose the last item “mount USB storage”
copy the files I mentioned
umount storage from the pc
choose “umount” from Recovery menu
Follow these steps:
choose “wipe data/factory reset” than confirm
choose “wipe cache partition” than confirm
choose “Advanced” -> “Wipe Dalvik Cache” than confirm
go back
choose “install zip from sdcard” -> “choose zip from sdcard” -> find “” and confirm
choose “choose zip from sdcard” -> find “” and confirm
go back
choose “reboot system now”
The first boot can be a little slower. I saw nAa logo, than CyanogenMod boot animation for about 5 mintes, than the first use Android wizard.
If everything went well we reached our goal.
I found that ICS for Xperia X10 Mini Pro is fast and stable.
You can always revert back with a full restore or you can just install a different ROM.
I protect my Raspberry Pi with a self made carton case.
The model I followed can be found here, but i modded it a bit to keep it easly closed.
This is my final result.
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