Category Archives: Tolino Shine 3

Tolino Shine 3

Tolino Shine 3: TWRP without modifications



I am not responsible if you brick / ruin your device in any way. Basic computer skills required. Proceed with caution. I cannot be held responsible if anything goes wrong.


I’m working on Ubuntu 21.10.

sudo apt install fastboot


  1. download TWRP built bu Ryogo-Z
  2. power off Tolino
  3. on the pc type

    fastboot boot twrp.img
  4. connect usb cable

  5. keep pushed the button for about 30s

  6. on the pc, you’ll see

    $ fastboot boot twrp.img
    < waiting for any device >
    Sending 'boot.img' (7830 KB)                       OKAY [  0.286s]
    Booting                                            OKAY [  0.003s]
    Finished. Total time: 0.311s
  7. on the device, you’ll see