User facing improvements:
- Adaptive icon
- Added test button when possible
- Added a dedicated service for Oreo+ versions and a persistent notification (can be switched off)
- Added “always use iptables” option for N+ Android versions
- Improved logging: added autoscroll, timestamp, failure reasons, live messages, persistance
- Fixed rotation problems, ProgressBar, layout for small screens, buttons layout
- Improved: notifications, app load time, root detection
- removed Showcaseview library
Internal improvements:
- Fixed: SELinux detection, Magisk detection, restore button, network disconnections detection
- Improved: Wi-Fi SSID detection, code style
- Reduced preferences size, source code, compilation time
- Simplified mantainability with command templates
- Disabled StrictMode in release versions
- Introduced: Gson, ButterKnife
Tag Archives: android
Cross compile fstrim for Android on Ubuntu 18.10
Install compiler
$ sudo apt install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi
Get sources and compile
$ apt source util-linux
$ cd util-linux-*
$ ./autogen.sh
$ ./configure --host=arm-linux-gnueabi CFLAGS="-static"
$ make LDFLAGS="--static" fstrim
# OK with warnings
$ file fstrim
fstrim: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=5f6d5789d8c27197fb5fadbc18f5cd506b330dc4, with debug_info, not stripped
Fix tethering on Android N (Nougat)
First you need to have a rooted phone, then use adb shell
or a terminal emulator and paste this:
content insert --uri content://settings/global --bind name:s:tether_dun_required \
--bind value:i:0
Without root, from your pc you could try
adb shell settings put global tether_dun_required 0
Override DNS is #malicious-harmful!?
Hi guys,
my app is temporarily out of the Play Store. I hope it’s really a temporary thing.
It seems that my last beta (beta78), the one available only to the beta testers, was not compliant to the 4.4 section of the Developer Distribution Agreement. But let me explain in the right order.
50 minutes ago I received an e-mail from the Google Play Support. It was notifying me of some kind of violation. The e-mail was referring to the app: “Virtual Button ROOT MENU” (package ID jp.ne.neko.freewing.VirtualButtonRootMenu
It seems that that app, which disables SELinux, violates the Developer Distribution Agreement
Don’t transmit or link to… items that may introduce security vulnerabilities to or harm user devices, apps, or personal data.
I’m serious it wasn’t some kind of phishing, they simply sent me the right notice but referring to someone else.
My latest beta has an advanced option which, if chosen, temporary lowers the device security by disabling SELinux on the device. It applies the DNS and brings SELinux back again. So it seems I’m guilty.
And now
Disabling SELinux is not approved by the Play Store.
In my humble opinion it was not so obvious, but anyway, I repackaged a stable release and a beta without the SELinux thing. I’m waiting to see my app online again.
How to enable/disable Android logcat when using a custom kernel
The most useful article I found was on xda and here’s the solution:
- enable
echo 0 > /sys/module/logger/parameters/log_mode
- enable at boot, but not when suspended
echo 1 > /sys/module/logger/parameters/log_mode
- completely disabled:
echo 2 > /sys/module/logger/parameters/log_mode
(you need a rooted device)